All photos via Rue Magazine & Coco+Kelley |
This chic Seattle apartment belongs to none other than Cassandra LaValle of the style blog
Coco+Kelley. I love keeping up with her happenings via her blog, on Pinterest as well as Instagram. Cassandra's design sense exudes classicism and glamour and she just seems like one of those girls who has got it together, if you know what I mean. I adore her home where she did an amazing job mixing both high end and low end pieces for a look that is sooooo sophisticated yet cozy and comfortable. Her living and dining areas feature fun pops of color (via accessories and artwork SHE created!) while the bedroom is more calming with a mostly black and white color palette. The brass and gold accents throughout seem to take the apartment to a whole new level, don't you think? I love how she packs so much style into such a small space!!