Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holiday Decorating!

What do you get when you combine $10 worth of ornaments from the Dollar Store, a wire hanger, a little bit of hot glue, and these instructions?!


(Sorry these pictures aren't the greatest, I was freezing my butt off last night trying to take some quick pictures. Did I mention it snowed here in Northern California yesterday?! Something that hasn't happened in almost ten years!)

 Here's a close-up. (Please ignore the fact that I haven't finished painting the front door yet. . .)

Here's some exterior shots of our holiday decor. The boyfriend did a great job with the lights and garland. I was pretty impressed, it was all his idea!

A close up of the garland.
I got a little crazy with the bow making. . .

And here is an interior shot of our cozy (and by cozy I mean teeny-tiny) living room, complete with kiddies snuggled by the fire!
 I had to put the tree up on an end table, otherwise it took up too much space and we couldn't walk into the room. This is the first time I have ever had a front window to put a tree in, and gosh darn it, it was going to go there! This picture was taken last weekend, and since then I have covered the base of the tree with more fabric and propped presents up against it, so it looks a little less like a random tree on a table.

I hope you enjoyed taking a peak at the holiday festiveness around my house!